Operations Integrity Management System

We are committed to conducting business in a manner that is compatible with the environmental and economic needs of the communities in which we operate, and that protects the safety, security and health of our employees, those involved with our operations, our customers and the public.

Our system for measuring and mitigating risk is called OIMS (Operations Integrity Management System) and today guides every operating decision we make on a daily basis.

The term Operations Integrity (OI) is used by ExxonMobil to address all aspects of its business that can impact personnel and process safety, security, health, and environmental performance.

The OIMS Framework includes 11 Elements. Each Element contains an underlying principle and a set of Expectations. The OIMS Framework also includes the characteristics of, and processes for, evaluating and implementing OI Management Systems.

Application of the OIMS Framework is required across all of ExxonMobil, with particular emphasis on design, construction and operations. Management is responsible for ensuring that management systems satisfying the Framework are in place. The scope, priority and pace of management system implementation should be consistent with the risks associated with the business.

Our system for measuring and mitigating risk is called OIMS (Operations Integrity Management System) and today guides every operating decision we make on a daily basis.

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