Rotterdam Aromatics Plant

The Rotterdam Aromatics Plant is one of the largest aromatics production facilities in the world. The plant was built in 1963 next door to the refinery, from which it receives its basic raw materials. The plant is one of the few facilities in the world that can produce the entire range of aromatic hydrocarbons.

It produces pure aromatics, such as benzene, orthoxylene, paraxylene and cyclohexane. The aromatics made at the plant find their way into countless products we use every day, for example, packaging and insulation material - such as PET bottles and polystyrene foam - plastic used in electric (kitchen) appliances, car parts and sports shoes, and synthetic fibres and resins.

Capacity expansion

The paraxylene production capacity has expanded ten-fold over the years. The most recent expansion in 2009 - involving an investment of tens of millions of euros - increased the production capacity for paraxylene and benzene by 20 per cent and made the aromatics plant one of the largest paraxylene producers in the world. The expansion also led to a decrease in energy consumption per tonne product by 15 per cent.

Greater efficiency through integration

The aromatics plant is almost completely integrated with the neighbouring refinery, from which it receives its basic raw material. The by-products from the aromatic plant's production process are in turn sent back to the refinery for further processing. Besides the more flexible supply of raw materials, integrating the plant and the refinery has led to significant energy savings and cost reductions.

ExxonMobil Chemical Holland B.V.
Rotterdam Aromatics Plant
Botlekweg 121
3197 KA Rotterdam-Botlek
Havennummer 4060
The Netherlands

Tel.: + 31 (0)10 - 493 59 11

VAT number: NL.0048.23.187.B01
Company reg. no.: 24231768
Registered office: Rotterdam


Aromatics: benzene, paraxylene, orthoxylene

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