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Sci-Tech Challenge
Most young people have no idea of the opportunities offered by studying engineering or chemistry. This is why ExxonMobil and Junior Achievement Europe (JA Europe) jointly organise the Sci-Tech Challenge, a European education programme for students aged 15 to 18.
The Sci-Tech Challenge is a competition for students aged 15 to 18 that is held every year. The competition is part of a broader initiative by JA Europe and ExxonMobil to encourage young Europeans to opt for a technical/scientific education. In the Netherlands, ExxonMobil works in the organisation of the Sci-Tech Challenge together with Stichting Jong Ondernemen (Foundation for Young Entrepreneurs); in Flanders with the Vlaamse Jonge Ondernemingen (Vlajo - Flemish Young Businesses).
Each year, dozens of students in Flanders and the Netherlands take part in the Sci-Tech Challenge, which consists of class visits by ExxonMobil staff, a quiz and a national competition day. The Sci-Tech Challenge has the same set-up in both countries. Within a relatively short time, students working in teams aged between 15 and 18 come up with realistic and affordable ideas that answer challenges we are facing on energy. They then work out the details of these ideas based on their own knowledge and insights, supported by expert volunteers of ExxonMobil. A professional jury then assesses the different proposals based on energy needs, emission reduction, cost analysis, creativity, quality and team spirit.
More info can be found on our European website.